Myths and Biases in Romantic and Marital Relationships by Yordan Kalev Zhekov
The present article addresses the interdisciplinary niche of myths and biases in the field of romantic and marital relationships. The latter are considered vulnerable to the influences of misconceptions widely spread in the contemporary societies. The diverse contexts of the partners’ backgrounds predispose the relational space to wide variety of conceptualisations and perspectives. These bring with themselves the myths or misconceptions which have been operating in the original social, cultural and religious environments of the partners. The deceptive and manipulative nature of the myths embodied in the relationship dynamics establish the latter as persistent and indetectable biases which shape the attitudes and behaviours of the spouses towards each other and the relationship. The article endeavours to expose some of the fundamental relationships’ myths and their intrusive biased nature which erodes and subjugates the couple and their relationship to continuous struggles. The research is concluded with the proposal for resolution of the biases and their erroneous nature shaped by the myths.
From Vice to Virtue in Marital Relationships by Yordan Kalev Zhekov
Crisis and challenges are very much part of marital relationships and the popularity of divorce shows that these find fewer effective solutions within the current support available. There is an aspect of marital crisis which has been underexplored and its solution underdeveloped. This is the moral side of the couple’s relationship encapsulating the resolution of vices and the development of virtues. This article maintains that vices are very much part of the marital crisis and their resolution is found in the empowerment of conscience. The latter leads to diminishing of vices and the development of virtues. Healthy spirituality is clarified as the power for rejuvenating conscience leading to the development of virtuous character. A new modality, conscience therapy, for talking support is proposed for the effective management of marriage crisis.
Conscience Empowerment as a Solution for Addiction Related Attentional Bias and Automaticity by Yordan Kalev Zhekov
This article provides a critical analysis of the concepts of automaticity and attentional bias as related to the maintenance of addictive behaviour. Automaticity based on Bargh’s view is manifested in addiction through attentional bias as a nonconscious response to particular salient environmental stimuli leading to continuous engagement in the unhealthy behaviour. The process is interrupted through the involvement of nonautomatic cognition leading to conscious management of the addictive behaviour. A new model is proposed for the activation and actualisation of the nonautomatic cognitive processes. This is characterised by conscience empowerment realised through the dynamics of spiritual and religious experience. The new model forms the basis for an effective treatment technique.
Conscientious Recovery: Towards Conscience Therapy for Addiction by Yordan Kalev Zhekov
Conscience is a significant component in consideration of addiction and provides framework for successful treatment and recovery. The present article articulates the importance of the concept and its implications. Understanding conscience brings a new and profound outlook into human psyche. The nature and functioning of conscience have an all-inclusive impact. This resolves the tensions and integrates the multidimensional understanding of addiction and the diverse treatments’ emphasis. Therefore, the author proposes the development of a new theoretical model for holistic addiction treatment, conscience therapy.
The Role of Spirituality in Defining the Importance of Character Strengths and Virtues for Individual’s Wellbeing and Recovery from Addiction by Yordan Kalev Zhekov
The present study defines the relationship between character strengths and virtues, spirituality, psychological wellbeing and addiction treatment. Character strengths and virtues are considered essential for personal wellbeing and recovery from addiction. The role of spirituality in light of its relationship to wisdom and gratitude is understood as unifying and empowering for the strengths and virtues of character and its development. The article considers a strong positive contribution of character strengths and virtues through the input of spirituality to individual’s wellbeing and recovery from addiction.
To Stress or to Rest by Yordan Kalev Zhekov
This article discusses the rise of stress during the Christmas festivities and provides the alternative of rest defined by the spiritual nature of Christmas. The essence of this holiday is biblically defined with the Gospel, the good news of Jesus coming to provide the way of reconciliation for men with God. The rest is God's provision for healthy spirituality defined as relationship with God through faith in Jesus. Healthy spirituality is evidenced as crucial for recovery and in light of its relationship to conscience as essential for treatment established as Conscience Therapy. The article concludes that through accepting the true nature of Christmas the stress can be replaced with psychological rest for long lasting wellbeing.
The Fifteen Rays of Love: The Inspiration of Saint Valentine by Yordan Kalev Zhekov
This article searches the roots for the inspiration of the St. Valentine’s day for romantic relationships. The importance of intimate relationships is explored to define the role of the inspiration in shaping the desired union. It considers the inspirations coming from the Christian tradition, the commercially viable gesture and the erotically charged sexual desires. Defining the source of love at the heart of Christian martyrs as faith in Jesus the author considers that this inspiration shapes the marital relationship as a covenant commitment defining every sphere of couple’s life. The fifteen rays of love are clearly depicted in the quote from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a. The article concludes with a provision of relevant support for couples through Conscience therapy, an innovative treatment formulated by the author.