
Conscience Therapy: Unveiling the Power of Spirituality in Conscientious Transformation by Yordan Kalev Zhekov  

Book Description: This book formulates the foundations, structures, framework and tools of conscience therapy providing extensive examples of its applications. The new method has strong historical roots in psychotherapy, group talking support, addiction treatment, spirituality and religiousness. It is evidence-based methodology grounded on individual recovery experiences and advanced scientific studies. Conscience therapy research framework is well defined in regards to reflexivity, ontology, epistemology and methodology. It establishes the links of learning theory and social learning theory with spirituality and deals effectively with automaticity and attentional bias in addiction. The model contributes to positive psychology and addiction treatment dealing with the relationship between character strengths and virtues, spirituality, conscience, recovery and wellbeing. The applications of the modality are explored for support in marital crisis, as a therapeutic solution for prejudice and as a mediator for the integration of four major approaches for treatment of addiction. The book offers conscience therapy as a life transformative method for talking support and a tool for personal growth dealing with unhealthy habits, improving wellbeing and advancing the fulfilment of individual goals in every area of life.   

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Conscience in Recovery from Drug Addiction: A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Spiritual Conscientious Transformation for the Formulation of Conscience Therapy by Yordan Kalev Zhekov  

Book Description: The present research advances the studies of recovery from drug addiction examining the role of conscience and its influences through spiritually transformative experiences. The scholarly research in substance addiction and recovery suffers internal tensions and underdevelopment related to the understanding of addiction, morality, spirituality and conscience. The aims of the study are to contribute to the resolution of these issues through exploration of conscience in drug addiction and recovery in light of its spiritual and/or religious transformative influences and utilisation in establishing the principles and outline for innovative treatment, conscience therapy. Narrative analysis (NA) establishes the methodological framework formulating the means for collection, examination and formulation of the results derived from the participants’ stories. A combined interview with unstructured and semi-structured parts is used to gather the data from the six participants. The latter are a self-selected diverse demographic group with homogeneous characteristics defined according to their addiction, recovery, spirituality and context. Due to the singularity of the context a seventh participant was interviewed to clarify its characteristics and dimensions. The analysis and discussions resulted in clarifying conscience through its cognitive, emotive, conative and behavioural elements, from being suppressed during addiction but rejuvenated through personal spiritual transformation. The latter is characterised by a personal divine relationship based on love, acceptance and forgiveness. The empowered conscience leads to progressive recovery and personal wellbeing. Finally, the research culminates in utilising the result in an innovative treatment from substance misuse, conscience therapy. The principles and outline of the treatment are summarised in the transformation of conscience through enlightenment, empowerment and edification. 

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Conscience in Recovery from Alcohol Addiction: Exploring the Role of Spirituality in Conscientious Transformation by Yordan Kalev Zhekov 

Book Description: The lives of twelve ordinary people have been dramatically impacted by alcohol addiction. The destructive power of the substance is experienced in all spheres of life ruining all its structures, vaporising hope and degrading thoughts, emotions, behaviour and character. This dreadful condition is overcome through the experience of spiritual transformation leading to stable progressive recovery, renewal of self and rebuilding of all life structures. Conscience with its nature and functioning plays a key role in this process. The present book is devoted to rigorous scientific examination of this role, evidencing the extraordinary dynamics of the relationship between conscience, addiction, spirituality and recovery offering to the reader the incredibly fascinating stories of the participants. The study employs Narrative Analysis for the methodological framework utilising it for the assessment of data obtained through a semi-structured interview protocol. The evidence provides a firm foundation for developing conscience therapy as a treatment intervention formalising therapeutic guidance for spiritual conscientious transformation.

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Divorced or Remarried and Christian: Serial Monogamy and the Quest for Holiness by Yordan Kalev Zhekov

Book Description: The present research aims to combine two areas of consideration, namely, marital relationships and endeavour for holiness. The work addresses various aspects of marriage, celibacy, divorce and remarriage from psychological, Christian and biblical perspectives. The concept of serial monogamy is used to unify the topics of marriage, divorce and remarriage. The second line of investigation is devoted to the quest for holiness. Its historical, biblical, dogmatic, psychological and conceptual dimensions are studied. The quest is considered also in regards to its various complex dynamics linked with specific conceptualisation themes reflecting its nature. The fundamental question arising from these areas of research is focussed on the attitude towards the divorced or remarried believers in the Church and the Christian communities. The latter establishes the goal of the present research which is based upon the premise that the proper understanding of celibacy, marriage, divorce, remarriage and holiness must shape believers’ attitudes towards divorced or remarried Christians. The book defines the attitude as that of acceptance, support and equality in every area of Christian life and ministry. It acknowledges the complexities of intimate relationships and affirms the provision of divine grace through Jesus Christ. 

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Defining the New Testament Logia on Divorce and Remarriage in a Pluralistic Context by Yordan Kalev Zhekov

Book Description: The present work provides an answer to the question of biblically legitimate Christian divorce and remarriage from New Testament (NT) perspective dealing with its exegetical, theological, dogmatical and ecumenical dimensions. The author offers a precise and coherent formulation of the NT teaching on marriage, divorce and remarriage resolving various inadequacies of other scholarly theories. The answer is integrated in the covenant concept of marriage. Christian marriage is a permanent union which requires the commitment of both spouses for its maintenance through fulfillment of its stipulations. The failure of the fulfillment of the latter provides legitimate grounds for divorce and remarriage of the innocent party. The work follows a methodological formulation in a modified fourfold enterprise for the development of NT ethical argumentation based on Richard B. Hays’ Moral Vision of the NT. The author establishes the proper contextual grounds for the NT study through formulation of the Old Testament perspective on marriage covenant. The following exegetical analyses of all the relevant NT passages are conducted through a compilation of the historical-critical and narrative-critical methods. The established conclusions are examined through a synthetical analysis of the NT canonical literature. A critical study of the main Christian traditions is led to an ecumenical formulation of the theological conclusions. Finally, the research is completed with pragmatical implementation of the thesis following an examination of the contemporary pluralistic context and applications in both Christian communities and the larger society within its legislative system.

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Eschatology of Ephesians by Yordan Kalev Zhekov 

Book Description: The main thesis of the present work is substantiated upon the claim that there is a future eschatology in the epistle to Ephesians next to the realised one. The main goal of the study is to prove the future aspect of the eschatology of Ephesians. The research is undertaken in three main parts. First, the problem with eschatology of Ephesians is well defined. Second, the author establishes the apocalyptic matrix of Ephesians as based on the eschatological scenario of apocalyptic literature. Third, offering thorough exegetical analyses of some significant passages of the letter its general eschatological scenario is formulated. Finally, a conclusion is reached paralleling the eschatological scenarios of the apocalyptic literature and the letter to Ephesians. The author argues for a close relationship between eschatology and cosmology both in apocalyptic literature and Ephesians and proves the existence of the future eschatology next to the present one in the eschatological scenario of the epistle.

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3 Minute Guide to Save Your Marriage by Yordan Kalev Zhekov 

Book Description: This book offers a quick practical guidance for marriage crises which can be learned and put into practice in just few minutes. The guide develops a concise, clear and straightforward presentation of the principles involved. The foundational principle defining the threefold approach to marriage crises is the need for change of attitude. The attitude towards one’s spouse and one’s marriage is essential. To change the passive, comparative, negative, self-centred attitude a threefold guidance is provided with defining a particular way of thinking, substance of believing and putting these two in action.

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Understanding Marriage Turbulence: A Guide to Marriage Crises and Beyond by Yordan Kalev Zhekov 

Book Description: Marriage crises impact the life of every individual whether directly being part of marital relationship or indirectly being part of a family undergoing critical times. Hence understanding marriage crises is of a crucial importance for everyone who is interested to resolve them. The overall goal of this e-book is to contribute to a formulation of an accurate understanding of the marriage crises and to offer a way forward.

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