Personal coaching: Understanding the individual goals and the personal resourcefulness in order to plan and achieve them is an important part of one’s personal, professional and social life. Exploring the way forward in life considering one’s strengths, skills and abilities within a safe and encouraging environment is provided through personal coaching. Focusing on solutions and working through difficulties to implement these achieving peace, satisfaction and content is part of the process.
Weight management coaching support: We are living in very difficult times with a lot of challenges related to unhealthy habitual and resistant dietary lifestyles. The contemporary challenges involve the popularity of unhealthy food and sedentary lifestyles lacking exercises and activities. The coaching support I offer will provide relevant framework for achieving the weight management and wellbeing personal goals.
Pastoral coaching: Church leadership work is demanding and sensitive in all its dimensions. The level of attention required in every sphere of the work engages the resourcefulness of the leader in regards to cognition, emotion, behaviour and spirituality. Pastoral coaching is the provision of effective support to maintain personal resourcefulness and wholeness in order to continue pastoral care and leadership management with conviction, containment and satisfaction.
Couple coaching: Providing a resourceful and encouraging environment for understanding and planning the achievement of couple goals in the context of their individual, personal, professional and social life. The support process explores the way forward considering the individuals’ views, attitudes, strengths, skills and abilities within the relationship. The focus is on understanding and implementing solutions within the complex dynamics of the relationship for attainment of peace, satisfaction and content for both parties.
Student coaching: The support is essential for students as they put exceptionally hard effort and time in their progress with academia. The support is provided in the form of coaching/tutoring for the successful achievement of the academic goals during the studies. There may be various obstacles and difficulties with writing essays, studying for exams, preparing for presentations etc which require management. The talking support will facilitate the environment for empowering the student to achieve the particular goals and progress successfully with the studies.
Debriefing: Passing through a difficult situation is exhausting and emotionally draining. An hour of debriefing would provide the safe environment to review thoughts, emotions, behaviour and outcomes putting everything into perspective.
Wellbeing support: Personal health and wellbeing is important to be maintained on daily basis. There are everyday challenges related to both personal and professional life. Sometimes these challenges are difficult to manage and the impact on the emotional health and personal wellbeing is negative and if not addressed may lead to long term consequences. Hence the wellbeing support will provide a talking therapy which will address the cognitive, emotional and behaviour challenges and endeavour to facilitate empowerment for constructive maintenance of personal health and wellbeing.
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