The introductory presentation of the book Conscience Therapy: Unveiling the Power of Spirituality in Conscientious Transformation (2022).
How to manage anxiety: A perspective combining Art, Psychology and Theology. There is an element of application and follow up direction to suitable reading.
How to manage your conscience: Conscience is very complex and requires a profound understanding. Gaining the right perspective on conscience is fundamental for its proper and effective management.
How to manage your anger: That's a million dollar question. There are various types of support available everywhere. But what is actually helpful for you? This animation video is offering a blend of Neuroscience, Psychology and Theology for the provision of solution. All around approach is offered which combines these three sciences. Conscience Therapy is a new modality which provides tools for managing anger. This is accessible in a further reading.
Managing Negative Emotions: An animated journey from naming the emotions through expressing them, finding them in the bible and managing them effectively.
Managing Positive Emotions: Yes, they do need management. That is addressed in a unique way involving both neuroscience and theology. Conscience is considered a key element in the process.
Conscientious Meditation: Defines the science and art of meditation, its purpose, benefits, neuroscience and stages from psychological and theological perspective.
Conscientious Spirituality: Defining spirituality and establishing its relation with religion from psychological and theological perspectives. Providing the framework for defining conscientious spirituality.
Conscientious Marriage: What is conscientious marriage? Is it for me and my partner? This video will answer these questions and more. It will lead to a way forward with the resolution of marital crisis providing relevant perspective and effective resource.
Conscientious Living: Defining conscience through historical psychotherapeutic outlook. Considering its relationship with spirituality and religiousness. Clarifying the resourcefulness of conscience through the input of healthy spirituality into content and happy living.
Conscientious Happiness: Conscience is essential in guiding the person to happiness and fulfillment in life. This is understood through defining legalism and rebellion establishing their relationship. The role of conscience is considered in light of this relationship. An application is provided with an example from the famous parable of the lost son. Conscience empowered through spirituality is established as the key towards happiness.
Conscientious Relationships: Exploring the theory of close relationships. Considering the role of conscience empowered through spirituality in these relationships. From positive psychology to narrative theology in consideration of the applications from the theories. Establishing the conscientious framework for close relationships.
Building Sound Intimate Relationships: The bond of intimate relationships is explored through the Sound Relationship House theory based on the research of Dr. John and Julie Gottman. The floors and walls of the house are presented. The key towards building and maintaining the Sound Relationship House is found in conscience. It provides relevant guidance and sufficient energy to develop and sustain sound intimate relationships.